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    Featured Audio

    Techdirt Interview of Ira Rothken
    -Discussion of Ira Rothken's career handling internet copyright cases

    February 23, 2012 Radio New Zealand
    -US abuse of power in taking down Megaupload
    -No such thing as criminal secondary copyright infringement
    -The Prosecution is politically motivated 

    Ira Rothken presentation at e-discovery seminar (excerpt)
    - discussion of technical-legal factors to consider in determining whether e-discovery related data is "not reasonably accessible"
    - More information can be found here 

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    Kim Dotcom: Caught
    in the Web

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      The information supplied on this web site is general in nature and should not be relied upon to make legal decisions. Interacting with e-mail, forms, or online forums on this web site does not constitute the creation of an attorney/client relationship. This web site is an advertisement for legal services. The examples of client cases and results discussed on this web site are not a guarantee of your outcome if we represent you in a particular case. 


      High Technology Litigation, Business Transactions,
      & Class Actions

      Our firm emphasizes internet litigation, intellectual property litigation (including trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents), internet law, startups, complex business litigation, class actions, videogame law, business law, blockchain law, employment litigation, consumer protection litigation, and personal injury/tort litigation.

       If you are interested in a free initial consultation or if you are a news organization interested in getting an interview you may use our contact form.

      We have dedicated a site for AI legal technology at (law and artificial intelligence, expert systems, drones, machine learning, and bots).


      Featured Current Events

      New Megaupload/Kim Dotcom Whitepaper

      Megaupload General Legal Points

      Ira Rothken interview with CNBC on the Kim Dotcom case

      For updates on the Megaupload/Kim Dotcom case please visit our special case update section

      Kim Dotcom, Steve Wozniak, Ira Rothken

      Read what Steve Wozniak thinks about Kim Dotcom and the Megaupload case in this CNET article 





      Ira P. Rothken on Bloomberg 

      Bloomberg Interview with Ira P. Rothken on the Megaupload/Kim Dotcom case discussing Court Order finding illegal government conduct




      Featured Activities

      About Us

      Our firm emphasizes intellectual property litigation (including trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents), internet law, startups, complex business litigation, class actions, videogame law, business law, blockchain law, employment litigation, consumer protection litigation, and personal injury/tort litigation. We are actively involved in cutting edge electronic discovery ("e-discovery") matters and Ira P. Rothken is an active member of the Sedona Conference and maintains a blog at on electronic discovery and evidence issues for legal professionals. Here is a CNET News Story Profiling Ira P. Rothken's Career Protecting Internet Technology Companies.

      Emily Chang interviewing Ira Rothken on Bloomberg West

      We Have Assisted in the Startup of Some of the Most Successful E-Commerce and Electronic Entertainment Companies in the World

      Ira P. RothkenIn addition to our robust litigation practice we assist electronic entertainment, high technology, and e-commerce companies in their business, startup, and legal transactions. For example, since the inception of the "commercialized" internet in the mid 1990s, we have represented some of the largest and most successful web sites in the world on a huge range of matters from startup issues to risk reduction strategies to e-commerce policies and agreements. In many instances we were called upon to handle issues where there was no clear precedent and thus we had to innovate a solution.

      We have also helped start numerous successful electronic entertainment and videogame companies including Nihilistic Software, Pandemic Games, Telltale, and Arenanet. Ira P. Rothken, a member of IGDA, has spoken multiple times on how to start a videogame development company at the Computer Game Developers Conference (CGDC). Here is a sample of videogame development transactions in which we assisted our clients:

      Featured Posts




      Notice of Class Action Settlement in the Palm Treo 600 and 650 Case

      Palm entered into a nationwide class action settlement subject to the final approval of the Federal Court involving the Treo 600 and 650 smartphones. The settlement provides for certain cash rebates and rights of repair the details of which can be found on the settlement notice web site. Ira P. Rothken served as co-lead class action counsel in this nationwide case.


      CNET News Story Profiling Ira Rothken's Career Protecting Internet Technology Companies

      From a CNET article published today "Ira Rothken is technology's answer to the radical lawyer, Silicon Valley's version of Johnnie Cochran or William Kunstler.Tech start-ups sued by media conglomerates for copyright infringement typically call on Rothken, a medical researcher turned lawyer. He's made a name for himself by bucking entertainment empires and by backing long-shot copyright cases, such as those involving RecordTV, ReplayTV and His efforts have won him praise from...

      Click to read more ...


      President Signs Bill Aimed at Limiting Online Gambling

      The newly approved Safe Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006, which President Bush signed Friday, included a provision aimed at deterring many of the over 2,500 online gambling casino web sites from taking wagers in the United States. The measure, attached to the "SAFE Port Act", seeks to prohibit Internet gambling by outlawing financial transfers, credit card transactions, and hyperlinks to unlawful Internet casinos. Ira P. Rothken was interviewed by Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer regarding the new law.


      California Supreme Court rules in favor of consumers by permitting plaintiffs adversely impacted by California's Proposition 64 to amend their complaints to save pending consumer protection cases

      In a case in which we participated on behalf of Amicus Curiae the California Supreme Court in Branick v. Downey Savings & Loan Association embraced our client's view and allowed consumers who may have lost the right to participate in litigation due to the passage of California's Proposition 64 the ability to amend their complaint to add additional plaintiffs who meet the new requirements. The Supreme Court ruling assists consumers and plaintiffs suing on behalf of the general public under California's Unfair Business Practices Act.

      Jun012006, a torrent file search engine, defends itself against a federal copyright lawsuit filed in New York by the major motion picture studios and the MPAA

      The search engine defends itself against allegations from the MPAA and major motion picture studios regarding the issue of whether or not mere passive hyperlinking to "dot torrent" text like files arising out of internet search engine results can constitute secondary copyright infringement. On May 30th, 2006, Gary Fung, who was named as the defendant in the lawsuit, filed a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction and in the alternative to have the case transferred to Federal Court in California closer to his residence in Vancouver, Canada.