Kim Dotcom Files Reply in Support of Petition to the United States Supreme Court

Kim Dotcom and others filed a reply brief today in the United States Supreme Court in support of their Petition for Review of the Fugitive Disentitlement related Judgment.
Here is an excerpt of the reply brief below the full brief can be found here.
Finally, the Third Question Presented has further fractured the circuits. While favoring the Second and Fourth Circuit’s “specific intent” standard for fugitive status, the Government blinks reality when denying that the D.C., Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth Circuits substantively differ. Lest there be any doubt, the Second Circuit (which the Fourth followed) has “respectfully disagree[d]” with the D.C. Circuit (as later followed by the Sixth). United States v. Technodyne LLC, 753 F.3d 368, 371, 384–85 (2d Cir. 2014).
Any principled view of fugitive disentitlement has been abandoned in this case. Cf. Degen v. United States, 517 U.S. 820, 828 (1996) (noting due-process question); Niemi v. Lasshofer, 728 F.3d 1252, 1255– 57 (10th Cir. 2013) (Gorsuch, J.) (expressing qualms); IJ Br. 20–26. Far from being directed towards persons who have fled or avoided our country while claiming assets in it, fugitive disentitlement is being used offensively to strip foreigners of their assets abroad. Contrary to the Fourth Circuit’s view, the mere fact that a defendant simultaneously contests extradition and forfeiture of his foreign assets should not suffice to disentitle him as a “fugitive.”
These Questions Presented build upon those the Court recently answered to invalidate criminal imposition of fines against innocent persons and forfeiture of untainted property. See Nelson v. Colorado, 137 S. Ct. 1249 (2017); Honeycutt v. United States, 137 S. Ct. ---- (2017). Absent review, forfeiture of tens of millions of dollars will be a fait accompli without the merits being reached. This is especially disconcerting because the Government’s criminal case is so dubious. When the Government characterizes Petitioners as “designing and profiting from a system that facilitated wide-scale copyright infringement,” (Opp. 5), it continues to paint a portrait of secondary copyright infringement, which is not a crime. See Pet. 5 & n.3. If this stands, the Government can weaponize fugitive disentitlement in order to claim assets abroad.
It is time for the Court to speak to the Questions Presented. Over the past two decades it has never had a better vehicle to do so, nor is any such vehicle elsewhere in sight.