Torrentspy files appeal of copyright case involving Bittorent technology and privacy issues

Torrentspy and other defendants filed an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a copyright case of first impression regarding Bittorent technology. In the appeal brief Torrentspy argues, amongst other things, that the Court was wrong in its procedures and wrong in its Judgment.
Torrentspy argues that the Court issued Orders, including forced logging of user behavior and IP addresses, that were inconsistent with Torrentspy's longstanding privacy policy. Torrentspy, on its own, cut off access to the United States to help alleviate the privacy concerns.
Ultimately the court in an approximately one hour hearing citing amongst other things lost and redacted data, terminated the case and later on, with little or no findings related to statutory damages, provided for a judgment without a trial. Torrentspy argues that the Court abused its discretion and that the procedures and Judgment were unfair under the circumstances. Read a news story here on the appeal.